Welcome to Jody Haines & Matto Lucas

Arts West is pleased to invite independent artists Jody Haines and Matto Lucas join the Arts West committee to represent independent artists in our advocacy for arts in the west in 2021.

Jody Haines is a photo-media artist based in Melbourne, Victoria. By approaching photography as a social practice, Jody collaboratively focuses on identity, representation and the female gaze, presenting work as temporary installations across public and non-traditional spaces. Jody joins the Arts West committee because she feels it's essential that artists voices and perspectives are present to feed back into our arts community and advocate for artists. Jody will be advocating for First Peoples, first, always! through consultation, engagement and embodiment of Indigenous voice and sovereignty; along with supporting increases to artist fees and more transparency in the costs and resources provided to artists to create and present work; continued advocacy for gender equality and a more inclusive representation of all who sit outside of the eurocentric-hetero-normative-cis-gendered circle; along with advocacy for an increase in affordable studio spaces in the west, and increased presentation possibilities for artists.

Matto Lucas is an Australian artist, photographer, creator, curator and art facilitator working within mixed and digital media, with a preference for photography and performance. He is joins the Arts West committee to continue strengthening the artistic community within the West and promoting, advocating and supporting, specifically, LGBTQI2+ artists and creatives. Matto seeks to generate more opportunities for LGBTQI2+ artists, POC and experimental works within the region; seek more exposure and promotion of creative spaces, industries, practitioners and communities within the west; and strengthen connectivity between bodies, spaces and institutions with community.

Jody and Matto join existing committee members, representatives from 100 Story Building, cohealth Arts Generator, Footscray Community Arts Centre, Snuff Puppets, The SUBSTATION, Western Edge Youth Arts, and Women’s Circus.